Oldbury Wednesday Club provides a Day Centre service with lunch and companionship for people over 60 years living in Cherhill, Calne and the surrounding villages including Yatesbury and Lower Compton. 

The Club was set up in the early 1980s and is well established with a good level of volunteers and membership of between 28-35 people. 

Older and disabled people can become isolated for many reasons. By offering the opportunity for people to meet on a regular basis, the Club seeks to help to reduce loneliness, support members through activities and information and offer an element of monitoring of personal needs.

The Club meets weekly on Wednesdays for five hours at Cherhill Village Hall, which is a wheelchair accessible venue. Members purchase their lunch and enjoy a programme of activities. Interesting speakers are arranged with regular lunch outings and visits for entertainment and leisure.

For information contact the Club Organiser
Celia Grafton on 01249 815190

Admission criteria apply.
Applicants are placed on a waiting list for a place when full.

The Club is overseen by a Board of Trustees. It is part-funded by Wiltshire Council and has been chosen by the Co-op as one of the causes supported by its Local Community Fund.