The Cherhill and Yatesbury Good Neighbours are a voluntary group of people who can be called upon to help you when required. They are available to do ad hoc favours and to lend a hand for specific requests such as:

  • Changing a light bulb
  • Helping with a computer problem
  • Helping you make contact with existing support services in our area
  • Helping with pets
  • Taking in a parcel; etc.

    The Villages’ Information Pack

Hazel Hylands (Cherhill)          07968 190 391
Susan Scott (Cherhill)                 07717 753 822
Heather Crawshaw (Cherhill) 07799 320 314
Vicki King (Yatesbury)               01672 837230
David Evans (Cherhill)              01249 815170
Anna Shantry(Cherhill)             01249 811153

We are always glad to add new members to our group and if you are interested in being involved please phone one of the above numbers.